Preparing for First Eucharist or First Holy Communion is a very special time for your child.
It is the time that they prepare to be fed at the table of the Lord for the first time.
At St. Patrick, the First Communion program is separate from our regular Religious Education Program and includes members of St. Patrick Parish whose children attend Montini Catholic School as well as our Parish Religious Education Program. Diocesan guidelines are followed in administrating this sacrament. First Communion is generally received in second grade (provided your child has been enrolled in a religious education program or attended parochial school for two consecutive years). Children and parents will participate in a special student retreat day and receive their First Reconciliation prior to First Communion.
2025 First Communion Dates TBA
If you are looking to enroll in First Communion Preparation, information will be posted here by July 2024. Please contact Lisa Johnson in the Religious Education office with any questions: 815-385-2959 or