Engagement is a special time, a time of love and intense preparation. It is a happy time, full of enjoyment and storing precious memories. It is a time of deeper dialogue, greater trust, and sharing of your deepest and most personal values. It is also a time for reflection and prayer, a time for getting things into perspective.
The Church actively seeks to do all it can to assist you in preparing for marriage. With sufficient time to begin making arrangements, the engaged couple has better opportunity to prepare seriously for marriage and its beginning in the Marriage Liturgy.
At St. Patrick, couples planning to marry need to meet with the Liturgy Director before a wedding date can be set. Please contact the parish office to setup an initial meeting at least 6 months prior to any requested marriage date. This initial meeting will give you an overview of the requirements for marriage and the preparation required. At least one of the couple, or their parents, must be registered parishioners for at least 6 months and be active participating members of St. Patrick Church in order to be married at the church. Both individuals must be at least 19 years of age.